Iced On Aran - Icons

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  1. ICED ON ARAN: Icons - Four black ink and black color pencil drawings, each on a separate 11 x 14 size coquille board. These drawings were used as story icons in the book, "Iced On Aran," by Brian Lumley, published by Ganley in 1992.

    The story titles appeared in white lettering inside the black rectangles at the top of each drawing.

    It was here in 1992 that I applied for, and received early retirement status from the US Government. I was no longer a full-time freelance artist.

    About 30 years ago, famous writer James Michener, who wrote about 40 books including classics like, "South Pacific," "Space", and "Texas," gave a speech at a college in which he said, essentially, that in this world, "A man could call his life a success if he survived, merely survived to a decent old age without ending up in jail, or in the booby hatch, or committing suicide, considering the shape the world was in. He said that income, stature, the judgment of one's peers, and the opinions of friends was not the important thing, the only question is whether you can hang on through all the crap thrown at you throughout your life and not lose your freedom to do your own thing and maintain your sanity and good sense as the years roll by."

    It's been 22 years since I applied for early retirement in 1992, and those retired years gave me a lot more time to watch and listen to all the "crap" that came along during those years. And since I'm still here, in 2014, I guess my life has been a success, by Michener's standards; I did manage to have the freedom I needed to do what I wanted to do, though at times I questioned my sanity and good sense.

    But when my wife and my children give me a hug and a kiss, my sanity returns and so does my good sense to appreciate the wonderful things that are a part of my life in spite of the "crap" going on in this world..

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